Candle and wind


Candle and Wind

In the small temple nestled a top a mist-shrouded mountain, lived two monks: Senior monk Daichi and Novice monk Haruto. One moonlit night, as the crisp mountain air whispered through the temple halls, Senior monk Daichi gathered the young monks for a lesson in wisdom.

Seated in the dimly lit meditation hall, the young monks listened attentively as Senior monk Daichi spoke of the impermanence of life and the fleeting nature of existence. He held up a flickering candle and said, "Life is like this candle flame—fragile, fleeting, and vulnerable to the slightest breeze. Yet, within its transient glow lies the essence of our journey towards enlightenment."

As the words of wisdom echoed in the hushed hall, a sudden gust of wind swept through the open windows, extinguishing the candle's flame. Novice monk Haruto gasped in surprise, but Senior monk Daichi remained unfazed, his serene gaze fixed on the darkness before him.

With a gentle smile, Senior monk Daichi spoke again, "Just as the wind extinguishes the candle's flame, so too does the turbulence of our desires and attachments extinguish the light of our inner wisdom. Only by embracing the impermanence of life and letting go of our attachments can we find true peace and enlightenment."

In the stillness of the night, the young monks contemplated Senior monk Daichi's words, their hearts filled with reverence for his profound wisdom. And as the moon cast its soft glow upon the monastery, they vowed to embark on their own journey towards inner illumination, guided by the timeless teachings of their elder.

And so, under the watchful gaze of the starry sky and the rustling leaves, the monks continued their practice, their hearts alight with the flame of wisdom that illuminated their path towards enlightenment.


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